Feedback is a pretty big part of what sound does. But despite that, we're not often taught interaction design during our training as composers or sound designers. … [Read more...]
Sunday Sound Thought #84 – The Value of Silly
I've spent years working hard, honing my craft, trying to prove that interactive sound is worthwhile art. I take this stuff seriously, and I think sound that moves and breathes and lets you know it knows you're there is a really powerful and important and serious thing. But let me tell you about my favorite thing I've ever made. … [Read more...]
SoundSelf: Sound Design-Oriented Gaming Experience
SoundSelf is trailed as an interactive and meditated experience in which gamers use their voice, actually their chanting voice, to navigate through the gaming environment. Wired Magazine has an interview with the creator, Robin Arnott, and the game itself - which is still in development but will be available at some point in 2014 - has a dedicated website and a trailer on … [Read more...]
Ambience and Interactivity
[We are currently having a few problems with page formatting and embedding SoundCloud links, please bear with us until we fix it!] ‘Ambience’ is a word with a broad definition. It is perceived differently and can mean different things to different people. We are constantly surrounded by a wide range of sounds - some natural, some man-made. Ambient sounds don’t necessarily have … [Read more...]