We're trying something new this month to keep the pace between features: a steady drip of thoughts, musings and anecdotes from voices in the wider community. Starting MON 4/11, catch a fast-flowing stream of reflections on our theme from around the industry--and the world! We've still slots for many more, so if you've got something to say, email doron [at] this … [Read more...]
Monthly Theme: Inspirations and Distractions
April already! Time flies when you aren't watching. Maybe you've been buried deep in a project--maybe you've been spacing out. This month's theme at Designing Sound is Inspirations and Distractions. How do you lash the reins to inspiration? Where have you found it in the first place? And once you've started, how do you stay on course? Maybe it's been a while … [Read more...]
An Intimidating Start
One of the things I remember most when I opened up Pure Data for the first time a few years ago was being terrified. A blank and intimidating window stared back at me. I then jumped to Max/MSP, which was a bit easier (because of the interface), but it was still the same problem - where in the world do I begin? Its tough to start any project from absolutely nowhere. Youtube and … [Read more...]
Rodney Gates Special: Learning to Listen: Using Sounds out of Context
[Written by Rodney Gates for Designing Sound] The Blank “Page” As we sit at our desks each day, creating new sounds for a game, it’s important to think outside the box when it comes to choosing your source material from which to design from. Most of the sounds you hear in games or film are usually not a single recording edited and dropped into place to represent the things … [Read more...]
Behind the Art: Pelayo Gutierrez
[Behind the Art is a special section of Designing Sound created with the goal of studying the artistic and creative aspects of sound design, featuring several interviews dedicated to explore the minds and creative approaches of professional sound designers from all sides of the world, with the goal of expand our creative worlds and learn what others do in order to tell … [Read more...]
Rodney Gates Special: Exclusive Interview
As usual, below is an interview with this month's guest, Rodney Gates. Designing Sound: How did you get started and How has been the evolution of your career since then? Rodney Gates: In 1996 I attended the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences in Tempe, Arizona. At the time, the focus of the school was on audio / music production with a little bit of post and live sound … [Read more...]
"Sometimes in the creativity area like sound, my instincts tell me to do one thing, but I do exactly the opposite and see what happens. For example, if you're designing a scary weird creature, try putting in a high-pitched, low-level sound. Who knows, maybe that will be scarier." - Gary Rydstrom … [Read more...]