It's incredible. This year is almost over! It has been an amazing year for Designing Sound. We have grown a lot and have had the opportunity to share a lot of incredible material, learn, and create community. Designing Sound is no longer a simple blog and has become something like a full time job for me. That's why I feel a constant need to improve it each day and offer more … [Read more...]
Aaron Marks Special: A Practical Guide to Field Recording [Part 2]
Field recorder choices In addition to choosing the most practical and highest quality microphone (as discussed in Part 1 of this article), the second half of the field recording ‘equipment’ equation is the trusty field recorder. We’ve come quite a long way in mobile recording technology in just the past few years and while it might seem to improve the chances of capturing … [Read more...]
The Story Behind Designing Sound
Some of you might be curious about how Designing Sound started and why it was created. Also, several of you have wondered about who I am and what's my "real-life" work. Well, I answered all those things for my friend Gianpaolo, in an interview for the great SounDesign Blog. I talk about Designing Sound, Sonic Terrain, my Spanish sound design blog, and several things about me … [Read more...]
"Fotograma Sonoro", New Brother Blog Featuring Sound Design Resources in Spanish
As many of you know, my home language is spanish, and since I started Designing Sound I've received a lot of requests and suggestions for a site like Designing Sound, but in spanish. For those who are waiting, here it is: "Fotograma Sonoro". The blog will be hosted on, the biggest audio production community in spanish language, with more than 1.200.000 visitors … [Read more...]
Designing Sound has its Own Virtual Birthday Cake!
Andrew Spitz, who you may know as the admin and founder of Social Sound Design, and blogger at {sound+design} has cooked a virtual birthday cake for our first anniversary. One of my favorite blogs on sound design has just turned one! Happy birthday Designing Sound. Thank you Miguel Isaza and Jake Riehle for all your hard work. I hope there will be many more to come! As a … [Read more...]
First Anniversary of Designing Sound!
Once year ago I decided to start this adventure called Designing Sound. You can see the archives starting from 2007, but that's because Designing Sound was merged with Filmsound Daily a few months ago. I started with a simple idea of a site where I can share info about sound design, and now, I see the amount of content generated by the site and the lot of time I spent on it … [Read more...]
It Begins…
Hello. I’m Miguel, welcome to the place where my sonic adventures come together! Some years ago I started to dedicate my life to the study of sound and also to help people to learn it. I’m the founder and admin of Designing Sound, a blog dedicated to the world of sound design. I started it as a diary where I can share all kind of sound design related stuff, but I always wanted … [Read more...]