[SFX Lab, the laboratory of sound effects, a place dedicated to experiment and explore sound libraries. The main goal is to hear what happens when sounds of a specific kind are combined, processed, and transformed in several ways.] New chapter of the sfx lab, this time dedicated to explore high doses of resonance, with a quite special kind of sounds: bells and chimes. These … [Read more...]
CHIMES, new library on HISSandaROAR recorded by Tim Prebble. Wind chimes can be incredibly useful for colouring an ambience with subtle harmonics – I used them to great emotional effect as a nostalgic/memory device in the war film Home by Christmas. But they are also incredibly rewarding as source material for creating ambient textures and drones via processing. Bell trees … [Read more...]
SFX News: Animal Bells, Chimes, Interface, Electrified, Freebies, Transitions
[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/32374039[/vimeo] - Rabbit Ears Audio has released Animal Bells sfx library, a collection of 16 animal bells made out of a variety of materials, such as brass, bronze, common metals, wood, among others. The package includes over 1000 sounds. The 192kHz version is 70 and the 96kHz version is $50. The bells in the collection were originally designed for … [Read more...]