With the rise in popularity of sound design, and game audio as a career choice among audio engineers, there is a growing call for formal training and education courses that will prepare prospective professionals accordingly. Last week, I posted this open call for students to enrol in the School of Video Game Audio. The co-founder of the School, Leonard J. Paul, has been kind … [Read more...]
School of Video Game Audio Now Open
The first online school for learning how to create professional audio for video games has just announced that it is accepting applications for its first course from July to August 2012. The application deadline of Friday June 29, 2012 is rapidly approaching and is limited to ten students, so make sure to have a look at the details on their application page … [Read more...]
Joining Team Audio
Volition Sound Designer Ariel Gross has posted a blog on AltDevBlogADay on the process of getting hired for a game audio position. The blog contains some fascinating insights on the hiring agents perspective , and is a valuable read for those trying to break into the industry, check out the except below; We kept a central person to review all incoming applicants. That would … [Read more...]
Develop Audio Special Roundup
UK games industry website Develop-Online has posted a series of special articles and interviews with various members of the audio production community on game audio. This Audio Special discusses a broad range of subjects such as voice production and localisation, audio implementation, generative audio, sound libraries and the importance of setting and maintaining standards … [Read more...]
Max Payne vs. Mazda, and the Sounds of Violence
IGN have posted an article on game audio, focusing discussion on Max Payne 3 and Forza Motorsport 4. Various members of Rockstar's audio teams are interviewed ( Nick Warseck, audio lead at Rockstar New England and Steve Donohoe, lead audio designer at Rockstar Toronto ) , along with Nick Wiswell and Adam Wilson of Turn 10. An excerpt of the article is below Max … [Read more...]
Big Sounds on Little Devices: An Exclusive Interview with Andrew Quinn
Andrew Quinn, sound designer at Splash Damage, was kind enough to speak to Designing Sound about his work on the recently announced mobile strategy title RAD Soldiers on the new social label WarChest. The music for the game was produced by Marc Canham of Nimrod Productions. DS: Can you tell us a little about how you got into game audio, and your audio career so far? AQ: I … [Read more...]
The audio of Batman: Arkham City
Eurogamer has published a video promoting the upcoming Game of The Year edition of Batman: Arkham City, focusing on the foley techniques and sound design aesthetic employed to create the stunning audio that brought the game to life. Featuring Rocksteady audio director Nick Arundel, and foley artist John Roesch and gun recording expert Bryan Watkins Click here for the video … [Read more...]