AudioGaming is about to celebrate five years of developing procedural audio plugin magic and would like to offer two DS readers a post-production bundle each — for free — through a simple competition. Here's what you need to do: Help them find a quote for the procedural audio plugin bundle A quote that could go on a box like the one below The quote needs to be ten … [Read more...]
Audio And VR
There’s been more VR content made in the past year than the last twenty combined, thanks to the emergence of the Oculus Rift, Sony’s Project Morpheus and other such virtual reality (VR) devices. There’s lots of innovation happening on the visual front, including new methods of gameplay, narrative structure and visual design. The obvious question: what’s happening on the audio … [Read more...]
Website Policy
Designing Sound is a run by a team of volunteers. The site does not have any commercial motives which is why there is no advertising, paid content or any sort of commercial promotional activities. The line can get blurry and it is important for us to follow a policy guideline. The website wouldn't be what it is without the amazing community and all the great contributions we … [Read more...]
A Modular Creature Design System
I’ve been working on a game project on and off over the past year and a part of the design is of relevance to this month’s theme — animals. The gameplay revolves around creatures of various kinds — some good, some evil, some tiny, some large. I had to conjure a vocalisation system that achieved the following technical and design criteria: Actions by the user would directly … [Read more...]
Interview: Randy Coppinger
Randy Coppinger has been dealing with voice and microphones for over sixteen years and is currently Dialog Production Supervisor at Disney Publishing Worldwide. He is active on twitter and his blog with studio anecdotes and thoughts concerning asset management, microphones, acoustics, recording and anything else related to audio and voice. In this interview we tackle topics … [Read more...]
2013 : Our Top Posts
It has been another great year at Designing Sound. This site wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for you — whether you read, retweet our tweets, comment on posts or contribute with your articles. We are glad Designing Sound has grown to become an important resource, with over 1,600 articles on sound design. Thank you. Here's a quick recap of 2013 with our most read … [Read more...]
Jana Winderen: An Interview
Jana Winderen is an artist, widely known for her recordings that reveal sounds from hidden sources — oceans, ice crevasses, glaciers — using a variety of technology, from high quality hydrophones to ultrasound detectors. Her work is published on Touch Music (same as Chris Watson) and her biography boasts of a long and impressive list of art installations. She was kind enough … [Read more...]