Last year, I managed to build the worst ever Voice Over dialog pipeline. What started from good intentions and the drive to be organized, slowly deteriorated into an epic mess of versioning issues and inconsistencies between English text, localization and in-game text. It was, by every sense of the word, a failure. … [Read more...]
Audio Experience Design with Pure Sound
Pure sound design, or the idea of designing without visuals or reference, is a unique experience facing many designers both professionally and personally. Sometimes we take on the challenge of pure sound design because we feel it will better ourselves or the pipelines that we create. Other times, it is sprung upon us, forcing us to react and adapt. To learn more about how pure … [Read more...]
How to develop successful tutorials, using marketing strategy from Motion and Brand Designer, Anthony Prats and advice from composer/sound designers, David Earl and Akash Thakkar. Whether we're aware of it or not, we are constantly being exposed to tutorials. Sometimes it’s because we’re actively searching for how to do something, but other times, we merely run across … [Read more...]