We all know these special moments of success. Be it when you figure out a new production technique, when you accidentally or consciously record/design that special sound, when a game audio system that you’ve conceptualized and worked on for weeks finally comes together in the way you imagined it or when you finally figure out a new piece of technology.
Sometimes these “Aha! Moments” come after a period of struggle, sometimes they’re completely unexpected.
Big or small, they all have one thing in common, they’re our reward for making progress and indicators of personal growth.
This month we’ll be exploring these “Eureka” moments as our theme!
Want to join in the conversation? Comment below, ask a question in the Designing Sound Exchange, post to Facebook, or start up a conversation on Twitter!
Please email richard [at] this site to contribute an article for this month’s topic. And as always, please feel free to go “off-topic” if there’s something else you’re burning to share with the community.