To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. – Bertrand Russell
It seems only fitting that as we wrap up Halloween that we delve into the season’s most prominent emotion: fear.
While horror sound design and making just the right mixture of viscous liquid for appropriate gore sounds is part of what we do, so too, is the sound design of psychological fear. Crafting dread, paranoia, or insanity are each nuanced visages of taking sound and using them to inflect the fears of a character or the audience.
But for me, what is an even more interesting aspect of fear, is not the application of fear within our craft but the wrestling with this emotion we may face daily. Fear comes in so many flavors both personal and professional: Fear of the dark. Or that recurring dream of being naked in class. The fear of an approaching deadline when our workload is already overloaded. A difficult client’s endless revisions written in a nonsensical scribble. For some people, the very notion of having to design sounds for a user interface will strike terror into their hearts. For others, cutting footsteps for the thousandth time may force them to cower outside the foley room. For some, the struggles of self-doubt can be crippling, while others may suffer from the immobilizing pangs of designer’s block.
This month we’ll be exploring fear as our theme and hope to tackle some of these issues as they pertain to our professional lives. What do you think of in your work life when you think of fear?
Don’t be afraid.
Want to join in the conversation? Comment below, ask a question in the Designing Sound Exchange, post to Facebook, or start up a conversation on Twitter!
Please email richard [at] this site to contribute an article for this month’s topic. And as always, please feel free to go “off-topic” if there’s something else you’re burning to share with the community.
Kanchana Walberg says
This is a great subject, which I know too well :) this is an important at topic to discuss. However, I want to ask something that is sort of different from this topic. I am a mother of an 18 year old – who is interested in this field – sound design. I am from Canada, what kind of school or education do you need to get into this field? He is scared to fail and so not confident in his abilities. Can you give any advise ?
He is in music school now – at a university here in Vancouver. Just trying to get some info.
Thanks so much