As has come before; many of these posts will be philosophical in nature. Some will be in contradiction to previous postings. These are not intended as truths or assertions, they’re merely thoughts…ideas. Think of this as stream of consciousness over a wide span…Please bear with us as we traverse the abstract canals of audio musings.
I’m guessing other sound-centric people do this, but I love playing with words, misusing and redefining them for my own entertainment. Strictly speaking, “fun” is an uncountable noun, and if you sound out the title of this post, you’ll probably get either a giggle or a twinge of grammatical awkwardness. But what if we pretend a fun is actually some kind of object? What’s a fun? What does a fun look like? Do you like the taste of funs? More pertinent to this audience, what does a fun sound like?
Imagine some object that’s supposed to be engaging and amusing, and probably interactive. Turn it around in your head, visualize yourself playing with it, drop it on the ground and see what it does. Does it already make sound? If so, try to erase that from your visualization. What could it sound like? What would be the ideal sound palette of your fun? What would a whole bunch of them sound like? Do they have a musical soundtrack?
Maybe this could be a…hrm…fun exercise with a tangible outcome. Want to join in? Link your results in the comments, on Twitter, or on Facebook, and let us know! I’ll do it too, but for now, here’s an old thing that might help get the ideas flowing:
Ah … so is your playful misuse of “bare” at the head of each of these posts intentional? I have oft wondered if you really want me to shed my clothes and traverse the canals with you, or if “bear” is the desired word and the proofreader simply happens to have abandoned the canals for an aperitif up top on the piazza.
Hah! We’ve all been copying the same intro for months and haven’t noticed. -2 points for me, since I’m usually the pedantic one. Fixed. But I could also go for an aperitif! ;)