Kicking off the new year with the topic of immersion seems appropriate, particularly coming from that year.
Immersive experiences can offer an escape, and often that’s exactly what we need to cope. But they can also draw us closer to what’s real. They can even show us what the world could be like if we wanted.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Beautiful Struggle” link=”https://www.amazon.com/Beautiful-Struggle-Memoir-Ta-Nehisi-Coates/dp/0385527462″ color=”” class=”” size=””]Before now, the music was escapist and fun…But Chuck D pulled us back into the real.[/perfectpullquote]
This month, we’ll talk about what we do to make sound that grabs the listener and draws them into somewhere else. How do we grab attention? How do we stay out of the way? What are some good ways to build a space with sound, and how do we avoid breaking immersion unintentionally?
Want to join in the conversation? Comment below, ask a question in the Designing Sound Exchange, post to Facebook, or start up a conversation on Twitter!
Please email jack [at] this site to contribute an article for this month’s topic. And as always, please feel free to go “off-topic” if there’s something else you’re burning to share with the community.