From time to time, while working specifically on the audio portion of film projects (this is true for other mediums as well, though this month is focused on film), a sort of “tunnel vision” can occur and it is easy to overlook the importance of film as a complete artform and its impact on the world around us.
This month’s theme of Film Theory gives us all a chance to take a step back and review the purpose, power, and importance of film in our society. Also, this month serves as a great chance to reexamine and look deeper at what each of us sees as audio’s role(s) and importance within all genres of film.
We here at Designing Sound always encourage contributions from the community. If you would like to add your thoughts on Film Theory, please be in touch and let us know. As always, feel free to contribute to this month’s theme, or possibly next month’s topic is of more interest to you (which will be “Pure Sound Design”), or go completely off-topic. Anything is fair game. Please contact doron [@] this website and we will get the ball rolling.