The new site of Sounddogs.com is now live:
soundeffects.sounddogs.com features a large waveform viewer and audio player that enhances the previewing of sounds before purchase. Individual channels may be selected, this is especially good for polyphonic sound recordings of guns or on-board cars, tanks and airplanes. In layman’s terms a gun could be recorded at the muzzle, five feet away, fifteen feet away, and one hundred feet away. The waveform player allows the user to select the individual channels and specific time points, in and out, of the sound file for preview and or purchase.
Jeff Simmons says
Wow this video is a train wreck lol. Someone needs to check their video compression settings and re-upload this.
Even the audio edits were noisy and poorly done. It doesn’t make me want to use their site for sure. (Even though I know its still great.) =)
David says
I’m with Jeff on this one, that’s pretty rough. Shame, because SoundDogs is great in a pinch!
Affinity says
Call me wind because I am abosleulty blown away.
riutvzrl says
SjqHGD aklhdtozwmrx
ksaamup says
RmkUwI qvjxdjoobqyk