I’m pleased to announce a new special guest on Designing Sound: Coll Anderson.
Coll Anderson has been working with sound for 24 years. His work includes recording, editing, designing and mixing, and spans indie art house classics, award-winning documentaries, and many studio films. From Documentaries including Errol Morrisʼ Oscar winning “The Fog of War”, Sundance Grand Jury Prize winners “Frat house,” “Manda Balla,” or “Restropo”, to Feature Films like Universals Studioʼs action classic “Death Race,” and 20th Century Foxʼs Martha Marcy May Marlene, Coll has helped to sharpen the focus and story of films with the creative use of sound.”
Is it possible to ask questions to Coll Anderson? I’m very curious about his method of work on Restrepo (great job).
The decisions concerning realism and the use of offscreen sound. Furthermore, in the IMDB credit list i noticed “Paul Miller: weapons specialist”, what was his role?
Would be great to hear something. Thanks in advance!
Arnoud Traa
The Netherlands