Chuck Russom FX has released Blood and Guts, a library recorded/produced by Chuck Russom and sound designer Rob King, and created for sound designers who are looking for sources usable for designing sounds of blood, flesh ripping, bone breaking, dismemberments, zombies… you got the idea!
The sounds were not just recorded for being part of this library originally. These sounds are valuable sources that Chuck have used for years, as he commented to us:
6 years ago, I teamed up with Rob King, who is one of my closest friends. He’s an amazing sound designer, musician, recording engineer, all around audio genius. We decided to record a set of fight/combat/gore sounds that could be used in our own projects. We also had an idea that we might release it as a commercial library. Over the years, we’ve used these sounds on nearly every project we’ve worked on. I know these sounds appeared in God of War 2, Medal of Honor, Quantum of Solace, Dante’s Inferno, Bulletstorm, and Rift. And I know the’ve been used in more than just those project. As I said, we’ve used them on nearly everything we’ve worked on in the last 5-6 years.
We never did get around to releasing the sounds commercially. So, after I released the Servo library last month, I started to think about releasing these sounds as a library. All of the recording was done, much of the editing was even complete. I went back to the material finished up the editing, mastered them, added filenames and metadata, and sorted them into a collection for release. In addition to those recordings done back in 2005, I found some pumpkin gut recordings that I made back in October of last year, they fit well with the rest of the sounds, so I included them.
These sounds were recorded at 24bit 96K using a variety of microphones, I can’t remember specific mics anymore, but it was a pretty elaborate set up of some very high-end gear. I performed all of the Foley and Rob, who is an amazing recordist, handled recording duties. We did the whole thing over a couple days in his studio and it was quite messy! Luckily we covered the floors and walls in plastic, but his live room still smelled like a bad salad for days.
Blood and Guts includes 477 sounds recorded and mastered at 24-Bit/96kHz, WAV (embedded with descriptive metadata). It’s available at $50.
Want to hear?
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”360″ params=”secret_token=s-ZBGEx&show_artwork=false&show_playcount=true&color=200c63&show_comments=false” url=”″]
And there’s more! Chuck also launched a new rewards system on CRFX, which he explains below:
When I was working on my new website a couple weeks ago, I wanted to find a way to reward repeat customers. The support from the sound community (and especially Designing Sound readers) has been amazing and I wanted to give something back to the customers that purchase libraries time after time. I have a lot of customers who buy every single library, usually on the day of release, so I really wanted to offer them something.
Launching the new site took so much of my time and attention that I wasn’t able to get a rewards system in place for launch. But it was something I was still planning and figuring out what the best approach would be. I received an email from my friend Charles Maynes who suggested that I look into implementing some sort of rewards points system. It was a great idea and luckily the tech that my site is build on had a rewards module that I was easily able to implement.
This is how it works:
For every $1.00 you spend on a sound library, you get 1 point. Points can be redeemed for discounts on future sales.
Here is the rewards discount schedule:
125 Points = $5.00
250 Points = $15.00
375 Points = $30.00
500 Points = $50.00After you earn 125 points, you can apply a $5.00 discount to your next purchase. But, if you save your points, the rewards get better as you accumulate more. Everyone who has made a purchase since the new site launched in April has accumulated points. All future sales will also earn points.
Full details on the program can be read on my site at this link.