[During this month, I’ll be doing weekly reports about “Secret for Great Film Sound“, a new webinar series hosted by David Sonnenschein and Ric Viers.]
Last week’s webinar was fantastic. This time, Ric and David talked a lot about production stage. Ric is an expert on recording no matter if it’s in the field, in the studio or on location. He explained a lot of interesting things about microphones, gear, techniques for recording great production sound, sound effects recording, etc and also talked about lots of challenges and problems he has solved in the past. The true voice of the experience!
One thing I love from this new webinar series is that Ric gives a lot of examples and tell us many stories of previous projects, misadventures, tricks to solve problems in the field/location, etc. Ric is the kind of person you can listen for many hours whitout falling asleep. I personally love the way he explain things to the attendes and his approach to this job. He also comes with very detailed slideshows with not only great theory, but also useful tips, images from previous sessions, etc.
Ric’s explanations, along with David’s support and the great discussion generated by the attendees, make these webinars incredibly inspiring and constructive. Today is time for Sound Design. I hope it will be as good as #1 and #2.
What a luxury!