BOOM Library has released a new sound effects library called GUNS. They’re offering two fantastic packages, as usual:
GUNS Construction Kit – €149 | 17 guns | 96kHz and 24-Bit | 12 channel multitrack recording | Over 1050 files | Soundminer metadata ready
Get the first multichannel source recording weapon library in the world! This Construction Kit ships as a complete 2 DVD set full of basic source sounds. All of the recordings on this disc were recorded in 96 kHz, 24-bit. To provide you with the fastest and easiest workflow possible all files contain extensive metadata including distances and microphones used. No matter what weapon sound style you are looking for: you can mix the multichannel recordings exactly the way you need. Check out the demo on the right to learn about what you can make out of one single pistol shot from our “Guns – Construction Kit”. Possibilities of editing are vast due to the usage of high-frequency microphones at this high definition recording. This source material will give you full control over any firearm you ever wanted to design.
GUNS Designed – €99 | 96 kHz 24-Bit | 17 guns | 4 styles per weapon, 4 shots per style | Soundminer metadata ready
You don’t have time to design your own unique weapon sounds? No worries – over 350 ready to use gun sounds can be found in our “Guns – Designed” collection. This product contains 17 weapons, 4 shots each, in 4 different style sets (Light, Crispy, Realistic, Larger than Life), plus a lot of handling sounds for each weapon. All of the sounds on this collection were designed by uniquely using the source recordings of the “Guns – Construction Kit”. All sounds are provided in 96 KHz, 24-bit to set new quality standard and give you only the best for your HD projects.
10% Discount code for Designing Sound Readers: DESS-BL10-20100717
If you’re wondering how to use the multichannel library, no worries. The BOOM team has published two fantastic tutorials on using the construction kit for designing new sounds. Take a look:
:O Great!
How does one purchase from the United States?
Hi Michael, what exactly is going wrong? Normally you can just check out. If you got any troubles, please write a mail to service[at] Thanks!
I would like to know which guns are included in both packages and if there is list of the files?
Hi Jascha,
the following guns are included:
AK47, Beretta M9, Colt 1911, Colt M4, Dragunov PSL, FNH FNP40, FNH FNP45, GSG5, Ithica M37, KelTec P318, Maverick 88, Maverick 88 Field Model, Mosin Nagant, Ruger 10/22, S&W Model 66 (Magnum Revolver), SKS M59 and Winchester 1300.
Basically you get 12 single shots per weapons, AK47 and M4 in two different variations including bursts in addition to single shots. Handling and Loading is included for all weapons and shot sequences for some. Does that help? Otherwise, please contact us directly: service[at]
Hi, Axel
In the pack, all those samples have been rendered in PT or they are raw and dry takes? I’d like to have the raw and dry takes. If the PT sessions are included in the pack, that will be perfect to me.
It’s really interesting! We use almost the same plugins. NomadFactory fx is my favor:-)
What’re the recorder and console you used for the recording,please?
@ Digimonk: we used a 744T with two MP-1 and a 788T.
The Construction-Kit contains cropped and cleaned samples, no dynamics are applied. So they are useful raw and absolutely dry. You will get one mono .wav file for each channel, if that is the question ;-) No, ProTools Session is not included.