Sound Designer John Kassab, who shared the Harry Potter interview with us some days ago, has sent me very interesting report he just finished about the state of post-production film sound in both conceptual and technical ways. The text includes some introductory theories, detailed analysis of different topics, and also interviews with sound professionals from different sides of the world.
Project Description:
To investigate creative, technical and workflow innovations in post-production film sound in London, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Wellington.
The highlight of this project was being able to meet with such great cross section of visionaries in all corners of the English-speaking world at this particular moment in film sound history.
Major Lessons and Conclusions
The greatest lesson I learned is that the digital domain is creating many changes to work flow and collaborative methods in film sound and the global industry seems to be going through something of a metamorphosis. As a result, the focus of many topics in this report concern how the industry is evolving as the result of digital and computer based solutions.
As the project covered a broad range of topics and my conclusions can be found in the discussions below.
Download PDF here.
Congrats to John for the great job!
Brilliant article and a very true and well defined article on the way audio post is going at the moment with great insight into some issues we dont hear that much about! Thanks a lot for your work John!
Amazing article. Clear, focused, objetive. This is how textbooks should be. Thanks for this Spot of light. And congrats to DS.