Now, you have the opportunity to do your own questions Frank Bry. Please read the exclusive interview first. Maybe you can find your answer there.
There are several ways to make your questions:
- Leave a comment on this post
- Use the contact form
- Write to designingsound [at] gmail [dot] com
The deadline for questions is Dec 24th and the answers will be published on the last post of the special. Frank will choose and answer any questions he want. Note that all questions will be considered, but not all will have to be answered.
Whats the oldest/first sound in your library, that you recorded?
After leaving a response and inquiry on the interview page, I was led here! So this will sound redundant…
Amazing sounds Frank! I hope you’re reading this. Would you care to share your full gear? Some recording dos and donts too perhaps? :) And they sound so clean! How post-processed are these samples? Hope to hear from you. Thanks!
Hi Frank! Enjoying your feature so far :) Just wondering if there were any stereo configurations you were particularly fond of using in your recording, and why? ie with two separate mics. M/S, X/Y etc? Or do you prefer using high quality stereo mics? Thanks :)
loved dungeon seige! Played 1 and 2 through to the end.
can you name for me the three biggest mistakes you’ve made when out in the field recording?
Frank, first off thank you so much for taking the time to respond! All your specials have been fantastic.
I know that Total Annihilation had quite a few “firsts” for the RTS genre, including the full orchestra soundtrack, true 3D physics (as opposed to sprites), and music that adapted to what was going on on-screen. I’m wondering if you had any say in those revolutionary ideas? And if you did, how that process happened. Did CT just say “Make this happen!” and you found a way, or was it more of a collaboration?
I’m also curious as to how you recorded all of the unit sound effects, for when you clicked on them — were they synthesized, or were they modified existing beeps/whirrs/whatever?