Ric Viers, author “The Sound Effects Bible: How to Create and Record Hollywood Style Sound Effects” and David Sonnenschein, author “Sound Design: The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound Effects in Cinema” have joined forces and are announcing “Secrets for Great Film Sound, a new webinar series that will start in the next week, with an introductory webinar:
Get essential tools and techniques from the best in the business!
Whether you are a beginner or have a few years under your belt, this
is the opportunity for you to get professional with your film audio
know-how (and know-why). This webinar is a free intro to the 6-week
series coming up in January that will cover:
- How do you talk to the producer to get the gig in the first place?
- What kind of prep can you do with the script to keep in budget and get the best recordings?
- What gear and techniques do you need to solve those tricky dialogue scenes?
- How can you integrate your skills with the picture editor and music composer?
- What tools are available to help audio support character, emotion and story?
There will be a survey when you sign up, so you can ask questions
which we will address during the webinar. And also an opportunity for
live Q&A, so we can help you with what YOU need.
– Monday Nov. 8, 9-10am PST – Sign up
– Tuesday Nov. 9, 6-7pm PST – Sign up
As I’m in the UK these times aren’t great for me. Will it be downloadable after?