Tim Prebble has added a forum section to the HISS and a ROAR site, a place for collaboration between HISS and a ROAR customers and contributors of the crowdsource SFX libraries, which menas that this collaboration model is working really good. Tim talked on his blog about the reasons of the forum:
1. I figure it is a better long term means of discussing crowd source sound library projects such as THE DOORS and THE DOGS… and the others I have planned. I will still use this blog to announce projects and provide updates, but discussions here tend to get lost into the archives, whereas a forum means each discussion can stay live throughout the entire lifetime of each project…
2. For sound designers & sound editors who own HISSandaROAR libraries its also a means of providing feedback and ideas on current and future libraries…
Also, with the new forum, Tim is officially announcing four new crowdsource libraries, including Room Tones, Crowds, Ambiences Urban and Ambiences Rural.
Room Tones
This library would be interior ambiences and room tones, buzzes, hums, minimum duration: 2-3 minutes (which means recording 5+ minutes to avoid unwanted noises). Format: stereo or mono (mono is still useful for creating offset stereo ambiences and/or dialogue/centre channel)
Ambiences – Rural
The primary purpose of this library is to provide ambiences that are both unique & relatively common to a specific country. A simple example is when a film is shot in one country and post produced in another. I live in New Zealand but have worked on a few films shot & set in USA and in those situations I have had to call in favours from friends who are based there, to access authentic ambiences…
Ambiences – Urban
This library would be about the sound of cities and towns. General wide diffuse city ambience, traffic at various times of the day eg rush hour, midday, late at night, shopping streets & pedestrians, Transport mediums, Sirens, etc
The goal here is to capture diffuse crowd ambiences eg bars, restaurants, cafes, train stations, airports etc…
If you are interested to participate in these libraries, feel free to register on the new forum, where you will find more information about recording specs, announcements of new libraries, and also you can ask about anithing related to the recording and management of the libraries.
I think the “register” link needs correction…it ought to be linked here: http://hissandaroar.com/collaborate/
Thanks for the heads up, Matt! a little mistake with the links. It’s fixed now ;-)
Бесплатная RPG онлайн игра Техномагия завоевала интерес тысяч пользователей различной возрастной категории оригинальным интерфейсом, геймплеем, игровым движком. Игра в стиле фэнтези совместила в себе элементы стратегии, тактики и логики. Мир Техномагии красочен и ярок, графика основана на флеш-анимации, при этом ее системные требования минимальны.
Всем привет. Наткнулся недавно на статью, в которой говорится что ученые американской Академии наук (NAS) утверждают, что конец света наступит 22 сентября 2012 года. Причем это будет “конец света” в прямом смысле.
Что вы думаете по этому поводу.
Пардоньте если не в тот раздел )
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