The Recordist has released “Flying Insects“, a new sound effects library on his Soundbox HD series.
Introducing Flying Insects SoundBox HD. This collection has some crazy sounds from real live insects recorded over the last few years. Insects are really tough to record. For one, they really do not take well to trainers as they have a mind of there own (I think). Second, they are not very loud unless they bang into the microphone at high speed so getting good recordings is a challenge. These recordings come from chance encounters with the insect population here in North Idaho where we have a few bugs.
The library is available online at $35. Included are 24-Bit/96kHz Broadcast WAV files embedded with Soundminer and Pro-Tools metadata.
If you would like to know more about the recording process of some of those insects, you can check these three posts published by Frank some days ago: