Some days ago Charles Deenen gave a webinar talking abou the use Waves plugins for sound design, and also answering some questions from the attendees. The webinar is available for viewing online now!
After clicking on a video link you will be prompted to sign into the webinar system. Please use the following information to view any of our previous webinar videos:
Username – webinar
Password – wavesPlease note: Due to limitations of Adobe’s webinar software, skipping through the webinar may cause the video to go out of sync. Therefore, we recommend watching the videos from the beginning, without fast forwarding.
Charles Deenen – Sound Design Webinar
Special thanks to Charles for recommending Designing Sound in one of his answers.
oh boy… that sucked :(
It was 8am in the morning guys after a whole night working, I was barely able to speak, and it shows… Hope some of you still get something out of it.
No way, that was great! Thank you for sharing your talent with us all. I really love your idea for guns, using the initial attack and pulling it ahead a few frames. That really helps sell the perceived loudness of the sound.
It didn’t sucks, Charles!! Great tips and advices (as always). Thanks for recommending Designing Sound. You’re very kind to do that.
I wish I could watch it, but I don’t have a connect pro account.
Tom, you don’t need an account. The password is:
Username – webinar
Password – waves
Wow, good thing I read the article carefully!
Thanks Charles.
I access the website and login and then the webinar only last one min after a introdution there is nothing that no sound no video playing.
Thank you!
username and pass dont seem to be working? anyone else having probs? :(
I also can’t access this. Looking for username and password!
Does anyone where I could find this webinar now? I am really interested to watch it. If anyone had a copy of it, please, let me now
Thanks veru much
I believe this was a webinar hosted by Waves. It doesn’t seem to be available through their webinars page either ( You may want to try contacting them to see if they know anything about it.
thanks, i will try