Some days ago, Tim Prebble released SWISHES, the second sound effects library on his label HISS and a ROAR. It’s a full package of all kind of elements cutting the air. The download process was the same as the previous library, which I also reviewed recently.
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false” url=””]
I have the SWISH MAX version, which includes 94 different sounds of wishes, recorded with different elements and several performances. All the material is correctly named and includes metadata description compatible with lots of different applications. All the sounds are in stereo (split) with their L and R files individually.
The quality is perfect. I’ve stretched and processed the sounds in lots of different ways. The variety of performances is perfect. You not only get the same sound over and over again. The library actually includes lots of different sounds on each of the files, from crazy bungie cords, to bamboo sticks, cables, whips, rackets and more.
Metadata and Search
There are some people wondering about the specific metadata information and how the library works with some applications such as Soundminer, Audio Finder, Basehead, etc. Well, as you may know, Audio Finder is my choice, and both Vegetable Violence and Swish work very good with the search and metadata engines. Recently Iced Audio updated Audio Finder to v5 and included a very nice feature for metadata database/search.
HISS and a ROAR libraries worked perfect there with some tags and info I added with this new feature. You can also add that to your metadata database, with more detailed info to categorize and find sounds more exactly. For example you can include more fields such as Creator, Tags, Library, Notes, etc. In that way I can made some filter to find specific sounds. Check an example:
So, HISS and a ROAR libraries comes with metadata description and correctly named files, so you’ll never get lost searching for one of this sounds. But, if your workflow demands more organization or specific filtering options (or you’re simply an obsessive librarian), you can easily add more fields and have fun.
Currently I have several whooshes/swishes libraries, and also personal recordings of this kind of sounds, and I can say that HISS and a ROAR’s SWISH is a really unique package. If you’re looking for new and unique sounds of air cuts. This is for you.
PD: Tim has just released a new library called Seal Vocals. I look forward to buy this one. Hope to talk about it soon.
UPDATE: HISS and a ROAR now offers full metadata support. You can download the needed files for each library from the official site.