Now, you have the opportunity to do your own questions Jim Stout. Please read the exclusive interview first. Maybe you can find your answer there.
There are several ways to make your questions:
- Leave a comment on this post
- Use the contact form
- Write to designingsound [at] gmail [dot] com
The deadline for questions is May 31th and the answers will be published on the final post of the special. Jim will choose and answer any questions that he want. Note that all questions will be considered, but not all will have to be answered.
I imagine living in Austin you end up collaborating a lot via “virtual” meetings. Can you discuss the tools you use in order to work with people located outside of your local area?
Where are the greatest future opportunities in the field of sound design? What advice would you give to someone who wants to develop their sound design skills to a professional level? Thanks!
are you concerned about the idea that working in sound design solely depends on a human sense, namely sense of hearing, which is in constant decay and modification? do you think the fact that your sensitivity to certain frequencies becomes lower as you age could significantly affect your performance as a sound designer? (considering also growing hearing loss due to natural factors as well as the intensive exposure to sound which is sometimes involved in the daily routine of a musician/composer/sounddesigner).
Could you suggest a decent entry level mic for sound design/field recordings? If not a specific mic then could you tell me what I should look for in a good mic?
Hey Jim.
I am currently doing a Masters Degree in Sonic Arts. I love Sound Design and have recently created the audio for two clips from “Layer Cake”, and “Pixars Lifted”. These clips had good visual material to work with but I was wondering if you could recommend any clips that would be good to work on for a portfolio? I always find good clips but find that they often have a lot of vocal sound in them and I prefer not to work with clips of that nature as my overdubs look rather bad.
Can you recommend any good films, short films, or clips that might allow me to gain the attention of potential employers? Ideally I would love some film makers to post their film with the dialogue audio that I could sync rather than having to remove speech entirely – but that’s never going to happen :(
Thanks! Aaron.
What`s your favourite Vst Fx Plugins for Sounddesign ?
Hi Jim! im from Colombia, and let me tell you that it’s an incredible oportunity for me to learn daily so many things just by looking at your videos or reading your articles. I just love sound Design, but it has been a difficult experience to find information (i mean good info) about the subject. Currently im studing in Argentina, a carrer called Audiovision based on the book Michel Chion wrote, and im really exited with what i have learned til now. My question for you is:
Can you recommend any book or DVD or any source of information related with Sound Design, specially about the post-production technical process? because i really had read a lot about the importance of a good sound design in relation to the “message” you want to communicate, but not about the “how”. Currently im using Logic Pro 9, is it a good DAW to work with SDesign?
Thnks a lot, i really appreciate your anwer!
Hi Jim! I’m from Taiwan,Could you suggest good books for
synthesizer or any source of information related with synth
programming tricks ? Thank You !!
Hi Jim,
I am a guitar and bass player primarily and I was wondering if you ever use those instruments when you are designing sounds. Thank you