JazzMutant, Devine Sound, Rachmiel, Twisted Tools and ABSoundscapes announced the release of GrainCube, a new free instrument for Reaktor, specifically aimed towards sound designers looking for granular gestural sound manipulation.
GrainCube is a four part granular processing instrument with numerous randomizing functions and modulation capabilities that allow for indescribable sonic mischief. The heart of GrainCube is a 400mb sample map of exclusive sample material from Richard Devine & Josh Kay of DevineSound. GrainCube is a collaboration between DevineSound & Rick Scott (Rachmiel), with additional programming and GUI tweaks by Igor Shilov of Twisted Tools. An additional version is also available for the Jazzmutant Lemur, re-imagined by Antonio Blanca.
[Download GrainCube]
[Download LemurCube] (Lemur users Only)
Concept & sound design: Richard Devine & Josh Kay | Devinesound
Concept & programming: Rick Scott | Rachmiel
Additional programming & GUI tweaks: Igor Shilov | Twisted Tools
LemurCube control surface design & additional sound design: Antonio Blanca | ABsoundscapes
Thanks alot for the heads up.Cant wait to get home and try this out.
Love the blog! Especially the interviews.
It’s good with Dron-E
how to use this software,i mean with the unzip file extension “.ens”?
Drop it in a the reaktor or reaktor player
an ‘.ens’ file is a Reaktor Ensemble. you need Reaktor to use it.
I love this ens. Have a lot of fun with it allready. I recorded my rainstick and feeded it GrainCube. Made 2 soundscapes with it and mixed those together with Fruity Convolver. Mastered it with Maximus. Here’s the result:
If someone want’s my rainstick.map let me know and I’ll send you my map.
thanks for this…. it is a really cool ensemble, now to try and figure it out
Very cool blog!
Great app!
Thank and respect from Moscow electronica
This is a great ensemble. Very complex sounds .
Thank you!!!!!!!