In the same way I did with the previous specials, you have the opportunity to ask your own questions to the featured sound designers, this time Richard Devine. There are several ways to do that:
- Leave a comment on this post
- Use the contact form
- Write to designing sound [at] gmail [dot] com
The deadline for questions is until January 25 and the answers will be published on the final post of the special. Richard will choose and answer any questions that he want. Note that all questions will be considered, but not all will have to be answered.
Hi Richard,
First off, you are an inspiration to all that are pushing the boundaries of sound! I’m always eager to read about and listen to your new exploits.. especially coming from a fellow Southerner. ;) I enjoyed your talk at the Propellerhead LA producers talk in 2005/6.. any chance you will teach or give seminars in the future? My main question for you is: if you could give me advice about starting a career in video game sound design, what would it be? I’m fairly well-connected but I wonder if you had any thoughts or insight off the top of your head? Many thanks man!!
Hi Richard
I was wondering if you’ve ever recorded farts..
I know it’s a bit of a windy question but curious, as I’m out of gas on ideas and trying to bring something new and elvated to the school that is IDM..
Peace out
Hey! Here is my 20 cents: “How do you approach new compositions and arrangements when you come up with a new track, what are your usual creative processes? Are they the same for your own music and contracted works? First sounds and then composition or the reverse?” and an other question “From the top of your head, what percentage of the sounds in your tracks is recorded and processed or synthesised?” Let’s see when your weird electrocustic ambient experiment comes to light! We want more of your music ;)
Hi there! This is from Spain and the question is about the new musical paradigma created thanks to the new technologies. It seems that the music industry have to change or disappear. And looks like that many musician are taking advance on this publishing his music online under free licenses, changing the way they used to have to interact with his listeners. What do you think about this issue, music, Creative commons and new social technologies? Thanks, malaventura.
For making your digital sounds and trying to obtain the warm feeling of analog gear, have you ever used a higher end tube amp with 6550 tubes like a mcintosh that was stereo, a stereo dumblator for tube tone enrichment, high end low frequency able speakers, and Neumann or Blue mic to record with?
I have grappled with making great compositions and then not having the funding or knowledge to make them radio ready. I find that the art of mastering is equally complicated and time consuming as making music. Do you do your own mastering, or do you work with others to get this done. Whichever you do, did you run into the same problem at some point and if so, how did you handle it?
Hello Richard, I really enjoy your music and equally your sound design is great!! I’d like you share with us some trick on programming Elektrons Gear, mine sound like fart ;) At least can you share with us some sysex dumps? Thank You.
Richard, Im a fan of the presets you collaborate for the industry. My question is: do you use presets in your music?
What do you think about the development of electronic music in general?
Do you think we will see a move towards multi-channel music?
What implications do you think the availability of software like Max4Live will have on contemporary music?
What is, in your opinion, the least utilized form of sound processing, with the most unexplored potential?
Hi Richard
one of the most impressing thing in your setup to me is this weird hairy humanoid device called Josh. I heard it sounds great, i need one, where did you get yours ?
If you were to built ultimate, small, quite portable modular what would that be? Which modules would you use? If thats not possible what are your favourite modules?
Just uploaded
Hi Richard,
Thanks so much for your great releases and contributions to the sound design and music world. Your music in particular never has a dull moment, I find I can continually listen and always find new and interesting parts that I previously overlooked. It is very inspirational. Thanks again!
I have a few questions for you:
1. I have read that you have written FFT applications in SuperCollider. What kind of applications were these? What are some of your favourite ideas/experiments to do when working in the frequency domain?
2. When programming in an environment like CSound/SuperCollider/MaxMSP, do you tend to start with a basic idea and just experiment? Or do you have a very clear idea of what you want to achieve from the beginning?
3. How on earth do you manage your sample collection and VSTs? Do you tend to forget about large parts of it and just continually create new sounds?
4. Do you ever struggle with patience during the creative process? If so, how often?
5. I find the way I interact with software/hardware tends to determine a lot of characteristics of the output. This makes me always want to interact with new interfaces, or rethink the way I currently interact. Have you noticed this? What are some of your favourite hardware or software interfaces for creating sound?
6. Could you recommend any particular books or resources on digital signal processing?
Thanks again!
As a fan of your work ,i have several questions about it:
Do you think that a sound designer has to be a musician first ?
What are your advices to compose a sound design démo ( style, format etc…)?
What are the basics to know before creating a commercial music and sound libraries?
what are the most important application’s domain where sound design have a crucial place and by this way , where and what is the futur of sound exploration?
which are your “desert island” hardware and software tools you couldn’t live without ?( except heart and brain;-)
Thank you very much and keep on the nice work.
Franck .Paris .France
Ps: sorry for my not so bad english;-)
The answers are published!
Thanks for participating!