Continuing with the Randy Thom Special, let’s talk about Forrest Gump, a great 90’s movie with the awesome work of Randy Thom on the sound.
He said:
“Working in Northern California, I’m lucky to be able to wear several movie-sound hats. I think it would slowly drive me nuts to be a rerecording mixer all the time or to edit or “sound design” all the time. So I try to alternate between these different jobs, trying to be facile enough in each while keeping a kind of useful innocence and naivete at the same time. Though all movies have some things in common, it is usually a big mistake to assume that what worked on the last one will work on the next one. Doing the sound for Forrest Gump may have been the most pleasant working experience I’ve had. Steve Starkey, the Line Producer of the film, approached me about working on it at the Lucasfilm July 4th picnic in ’94. He knew I had grown up a Louisiana redneck and he figured I would know what kinds of sounds to put into this movie about a southern guy.”
That is only part of a wonderful article published at Filmsound where Randy talks about his experience with the sound of Forrest Gump.
Here is a short video (vía usoproject) of Randy Thom talking about certain aspects of Forrest Gump Sound, taken from the documentary “Through The Ears Of Forrest Gump” at the Special Collector’s Edition of the Movie.
great interveiew at filmsound. thanks for sharing!
TYVM you’ve solved all my plorbems